Nishat Mills Spinning Division has over 251,808 spindles and 7,320 roters which are operationally organized into 7 spinning units. The entire machinery is from world-renowned manufactures. All yarns made at Nishat are Ring Spun suitable for both knitting and weaving. Besides the best Pakistani cotton, long stapled American, Egyptian and US Pima cotton is also used for fine counts. For our strong belief in product development and innovation we have our own in house state of the art cotton and yarn testing laboratories. Nishat spinning is one of the most trusted brands in the market due to its efficient production and quality.
Spinning production capacity for both Cotton and Blended Yarns is 270 Tons / Day.

Cotton Range
100% Cotton Carded | 100% Cotton Combed |
From Ne 05/1 to Ne 40/1 | From Ne 12/1 to Ne 135 |
From Ne 05/2 to Ne 40/2 | From Ne 12/2 to Ne 135/2 |
All double yarn in 100% knotless / auto splice | All yarn at Nishat is Ring Spun, suitable for both Knitting and Weaving |
Blended Yarn
Poly Cotton | ||
Poly 52% | Carded Cotton 48% | Ne 10/1 to Ne 40/1 |
Poly 52% | Carded Cotton 48% | Ne 10/1 to Ne 80/1 |
Poly 65% | Carded Cotton 35% | Ne 10/1 to Ne 40/1 |
Poly 65% | Carded Cotton 35% | Ne 10/1 to Ne 80/1 |
Cotton Rich (CVC) | ||
Poly 45% | Carded Cotton 55% | Ne 10/1 to Ne 40/1 |
Poly 45% | Carded Cotton 55% | Ne 10/1 to Ne 80/1 |
Poly 40% | Carded Cotton 60% | Ne 10/1 to Ne 40/1 |
Poly 40% | Carded Cotton 60% | Ne 10/1 to Ne 80/1 |
Core Spun Yarn: | ||
20 D Lycra | Ne 8/1 to Ne 80/1 | |
40 D Lycra | Ne 8/1 to Ne 60/1 | |
70 D Lycra | Ne 8/1 to Ne 40/1 | |
140 D Lycra | Ne 8/1 to Ne 16/1 |
Yarn Dyeing
Nishat Yarn Dyeing is one of the latest exhaust dyeing units in Pakistan having installed production capacity of 5.0 tons per day. We are processing yarn and sewing thread in package. Also, we have set up facility for Beam Dyeing which is first of its kind in Pakistan.